Order of Worship – January 19th
Opening Video
Opening Song: God So Loved
Call to Worship: Psalm 111: 7-10
Song: My Victory
Song: Oh But God
Mutual Greeting (252 Kids Dismissed to Class)
Announcements & Congregational Prayer
Offertory – Mrs. Lori DeBlock
Message: “Fruit Loops”– Galatians 5: 19-26 - Pastor Willie Vaughan
Closing Song: Take My Life and Let It Be
Doxology: Take My Life and Let It Be
After the worship service concludes, all are welcome to join us in the church Lobby for a time of fellowship and refreshment. Youth (6th-10th grade) will be meeting in the classroom under the stairs for Catechism class.
January Second Offering Schedule:
12th – Sussex Christian School 19 – Faith Promise 26 – Cadets
This Week:
- Monday, January 20th – 7pm Women’s Stitch or Chat
- Wednesday, January 22nd – 10am Coffee Break in Church Lobby
- Thursday, January 23rd – 7:30pm Youth Group (Grades 8-12)
- Friday, January 24th – 6:30pm Spanish Bible Study
Upcoming Events:
- January 26th - Pastor Johnnie Haddad Preaching
- January 26th – Cadet’s Sunday
- January 27th – 7pm Deacon’s Meeting
- January 28th – 7pm Cadets & GEMS Kid’s Club
- February 7th – 10am to 4pm Blood Drive with the American Red Cross (Sign up to donate at Goshen.Church/RedCross)
- February 8th – 9am Goshen Food Pantry (located in the Goshen First Presbyterian Church: 33 Park Place, Goshen, New York 10924)
Goshen Christian Preschool is excited to announce our next Mommy and Me session starting February 5th! This program is designed for children (ages 20 months to 3 years old) accompanied by an adult as an opportunity to enjoy a meaningful time of interaction in the preschool environment. Join us on Wednesday mornings (February 5, 12, 26, March 5 (snow date 3/12)) from 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. for circle time, art projects, stories, music, large motor movement, and fun! The cost is $50.00 in total, please email [email protected] for an application!
A note of PRAISE from the Building/Bond committee … we would like to thank all our Faith Partners contributors for 2024. These funds are used to buy back more bonds, pay the interest and accelerate the payoff of bonds used to fund our last building program – the New Narthex. The current balance on the bonds is $71,000 and we expect to pay off the bonds by 2027 allowing this to be completely paid off in 8 years. Thank you all for your faithfulness, sharing in this vision and supporting the fellowship at Goshen Christian Reformed Church.
Goshen CRC would like to welcome Parker Joseph Arnold & Kasey Leo Arnold - God is good! Congratulations to parents, Tyler & Kayla! To help welcome these new little ones, we’ve placed a bassinet in the narthex to fill with diapers, wipes and other baby items.
New Year, New Directory! The time has come for a new Church Directory as we have had an abundance of new families join us. We are requesting each member to submit their name, address, phone number (home and/or cell), email address, children’s names and provide a family photo. Please complete a Directory Form (located in the back of church) or you can scan the QR code to submit information and upload a photo. Information can also be submitted via email to [email protected]. Any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Britanni Gaucher or Kelsie Doller, or complete the Connection Card and an Elder or Deacon will put you in touch.
Who should take part in communion at Goshen CRC? (Here's our policy)
Those who are truly sorrowful for their sins, and yet trust that these are forgiven them for the sake of Christ; and that their remaining infirmities are covered by his passion and death; and who also earnestly desire to have their faith more and more strengthened, and their lives more holy; but hypocrites, and such as turn not to God with sincere hearts, eat and drink judgment to themselves. (Heidelberg Catechism Q&A 81 also 1 Corinthians 11.)
We believe that this should describe every healthy Christian. If you have questions about this, or want to change to meet this description, please see a pastor or an elder, we’d love to help you grow closer to Jesus together.
Nursery Staff:
January 19th - Kim DeVries & Taylor DiMartino
January 26th - Christine LaFrance & Rebecca Finnegan
February 2nd - Jolene Larsen & Girls
February 9th - Amber Goudreau & Jessica DeVries
Coffee Hour:
January 19th - Dan & Christine LaFrance
January 26th - Scott & Alice VanDeWeert
February 2nd - Skyler & Kimberly Gove
February 9th - Jim & Joyce Amels